Broad Spectrum Fragment Library

In the past decade, fragment based drug design (FBDD) has risen as a new and effective approach to identify lead compounds and continues to show great promise in drug discovery. It requires the use of sensitive techniques such as X-ray crystallography to identify hits among low molecular weight fragment compounds that have a weak binding affinity to a drug target. The hit fragments could be then structurally optimized to lead compounds with high affinity and specificity.

Broad Spectrum Fragment Library is a product of choice for FBDD project of any level. The library contains 1,226 high-quality fragments selected to meet top industry requirements. It provides an optimal, diverse set of compounds to be included in your next fragment screen.


  • 1,226 small molecule fragments
  • No pan-assay interference (PAINS) compounds
  • Compounds with reactive and toxic groups filtered out
  • High predicted water solubility (LogS > -5)
  • High diversity over the library
  • Each fragment contains at least 1 aromatic or aliphatic ring
  • Purity >90%; spectral data available

Product Sheet (PDF)

Product sheet with detailed description is available in PDF format

Reaxense Broad Spectrum Fragment Library

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This library is available in structure-data file format (SDF) or other common formats such as XLS, CSV, PDF. Please contact us to obtain this library as well as information on price and delivery.

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